Thursday, 11 May 2017

Spread the word, share the road.

Perhaps is is because of the turning of the Earth toward the sun, but most likely it has to do with the people that have surrounded me in this season of spring. Those who have given me new ways to inspire my body to keep going and those who are determined to band together to make changes for the better. I will save the adventures of this past weekend for another post - where my companion and I travelled to make new friends and learn how duct tape is sometimes not enough. It's what happened yesterday that requires the most immediate attention.

This is the first of 60 share the road signs that are going up in Huron County. It is one of the initiatives put forth by the Cycling Strategy presented to the County back in January. These signs are going up in locations around the county where visibility may be tricky and as reminders that cyclist will be on the roads. We all came out to celebrate this sign going up and what a show of support we had! Not only did we have members of the cycling committee and people on bikes, we had the County Warden, and staff from the departments of planning, communications, works, the Health Unit and Scott Miller from CTV made a great story of the event.

It was a show of strength, that we are a team working together to make change. Spread the word, share the road.


  1. Hi Julie! I don't know if you remember me, but I was a peer helper in your grade 9 science class your first year at LDSS. I stumbled across a story about you today, and then this blog. I just spent almost two hours sitting in a coffee shop reading and wish I could read more (but I'm actually supposed to be working). Your spirit and honesty here is inspiring. I've thought of you and lessons learned while working with you over the years, so I'm not at all surprised that you're doing such great things, but no less impressed.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and send you good wishes!
