Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Nothing to be concerned about; just don't look at the sun!

Just when I thought (again) that I had things figured out, I learn (again) that I don't. But that's okay, because now I have yet another experience to look back on and think "remember when that happened?" Of course it was the first day of our summer vacation and I had a medical "event" unlike any other. It turned out to be just another UTI and the Dr said the symptoms were nothing to be concerned about. Wow. All ended up fine, but it snuck up on me unlike any other. We carried on, this time cottaging not so far away, and it was lovely. I read two whole books (more on that later), Theo played guitar, kids ate all the ice cream they could possibly stomach and most of all we relaxed.

We had a campfire and Theo & kids played on the beach. We visited the cheese factory and museum (well, some of us did).

I loved being able to ride out the driveway and along the flat quiet streets of Point Clark. We went for miles. Getting on and off my bike requires significant help - my knees and feet do not go where they are supposed to and the seat height is quite challenging - but we did it. I also rode up a hill that I thought might actually not be possible. I got to the bottom and actually said to Theo “I’m not sure I will be able to do this!” (which is not my usual thought process). If you know Concession 2 down into Point Clark, then you know the hill. This is the sign at the top of the hill...pictures of hills never do them justice, I thought this was a better image.

I wanted to get on my bike as much as I could in preparation for Greg's Ride - Share the Road's ride for safe cycling advocacy. Team Julie will be there again this year; if you would like to join us it is in Hamilton on September 24th. It's not a competitive ride; there are three distances to choose from. Just click on the link (above) and use the discount code 20TeamJulie17 to be a part of my team. Then send me a message and let me know your t-shirt size. This year Ella created the design!

We were at the cottage when we “watched” the eclipse. I bet no one else had a viewing box made from a catheter box. Theo is very resourceful.

The kids loved go-carting so much that we all went the second day and even I got into the car. They were very helpful there at the Family FunLand and I went screaming (literally) around the track with Theo at the wheel (even though I was trying to steer!). Super fun - but see my ankle? Below the bandage is my first skin issue - I couldn’t feel my ankle bone rubbing against the inside of the car. Pretty minor when I hear about my fellow SCIs with pressure sores on their hips from their wheelchair cushions!

We spent Saturday with Erin at the Listowel Rifle and Revolver Club for “Erin’s shoot” - the big fundraiser to support her biathlon career. The kids and I shot the biathlon targets from 50 meters. I was lucky enough to get to use Erin’s actual biathlon rifle - a sleek and well sighted rifle. I shot clean and had the highest score (Gold medal!) of all participants (novice and club members!) and have been “recruited” to join the club. I suppose it could be my next sport?
What can I say but AWESOME. 

Me and "my girls" Erin Yungblut and Michele Studhalter.
Erin is a biathlete and Michele an Ironman!
Oliver learned some new yo-yo tricks
from our friend Mark. 

Shooting "pron" with the best rifle on the line. 
Being away from home I realized how “use to” I have become to the accommodations we have made to our old farm house. Little things really make a difference, like the placement of bars in the bathroom and smooth floors. The cottage was “accessible” - I could get in and out the doors, but reaching the taps and rolling over carpet - not easy. I have high standards but I guess I need to lower my expectations?

So that is summer! Kids went to camp, Theo worked on the shed, I shopped at all the local farmers' markets and went to physio. I also spent my time writing - for the local paper “The Citizen” (about accessibility in and around the county) and for Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO). The SCIO project is rather large, and I’ll give more details when I know them, but I think that it is the beginnings of my first book :)

I was recently reminded that I have not given much of an update of what’s been going on at physio, so check out my recent YouTube video using the RedCord. Standing with my arms!

P.S. With Michele's help I am making some changes to how I post and I will also have my own website www.juliesawchuk.ca - so stay tuned.


  1. Wonderful that you and your family are seeming to live life to the full! (limitations notwithstanding)

  2. Love the catheter box pinhole viewer, and the new sport!! I was thinking of you recently while in Goderich for the triathlon.
