Monday, 4 January 2016

Ridiculous #1

It's been a while since I have written. There are many reasons, like the spending holiday time with the kids, our families and friends. But mostly I just feel like I don't have much to say that is new, and I don't think I want to write about how frustrated I am. Every day. Frustrated. Last night I was helping Ella make pizza for dinner, and she would be able to tell you how many curse words I put on top of that cheese. Lots. *&%$ing kitchen. So instead of complaining, I'll write about the frustrating things that are just plain ridiculous. There's lots, so here is just one.

In my previous life I didn't pay much attention to wheelchair parking spaces, accessibility at public spaces or sidewalk ramps. I didn't need to for my own purposes, so it was not on my radar. Usually, you see wheelchair parking spaces close to the entrances of buildings with a ramp to get up to the door. I am beginning to discover that there are many places that are not accessible, but also that there are many people who don't know what is required for someone in a wheelchair - even though they have a wheelchair parking permit in the window of their car. 

This is all preamble to the ridiculous #1 story...Last week on Monday we went to the pool for "open swim" - a better time to go, less people in the pool and change rooms. We parked in the second wheelchair spot because the first one was taken. As I am not allowed to drive yet, Theo is the driver and I need space on the passenger side to get out of the car. This is why he parks to the left hand side of the spot, giving me room to get out. When I am driving, I will take the opposite approach so I have enough room to get out of the drivers side.

So imagine our surprise when we come out from the pool an hour and a half later to see this:

 and this:

Note the location of the middle of the car - RIGHT ON THE LINE. I suppose it would be one thing if you couldn't see the lines because of snow, or something like that, but come on! I imagine the thought process that went into this parking job: "well, I need to be close to the building because it's kind of cold, and I don't move fast, and I have a wheelchair parking permit, so I'll just squeeze my car into this space right here. There, just fits!!"

We've all done it before, squeezed into a space that seemed like it might be too tight, and then been joyus when we came out with our side mirrors still intact, right? But I guarantee, that when you parked like that, it was not between two cars with wheelchair parking permits in spaces that were painted blue!?! No way.

So I left this lady/man a note, politely describing why their parking job made my life difficult and asked them not to do it again. It was laughable at the time, but it sure would not be funny if I had been the driver and had not been able to get into my car. So I'll leave you with this - start looking around as you are out and about. Is the sidewalk level? Are the doors accessible? Are there parking spots with a ramp to get up to the sidewalk? I have not done so yet, but I will be writing a letter that I will carry around with me so that I can drop it off as I see accessibility issues, ahem, Wingham Subway, 'nough said!


  1. Wow! That would be so frustrating. You are clearly a better person than I am as it sounds like the paint job on the sedan was not damaged :o) I don't know the best way to express this, but I find your perspective and determination inspiring and I often find myself returning to your site for updates. You shouldn't have to be in the position, but in it, you are educating so many people. Thank you for continuing to open my eyes.

    Maggie Jacula

  2. Right on, sister!! Spending time in a wheelchair with my broken leg last year REALLY opened my eyes to what really is and is NOT accessible. Having a ramp that is too steep for the person in the chair to wheel themselves up is NOT accessible! And i totally agree with you about people "crowding" the lines in handicapped parking spots. Hello!! People in wheelchairs need LOTS of room to get in and out of vehicles! Duh!! Good for you for leaving a "gentle reminder" to those who really need a good kick in the a$$!

  3. Absolutely ridiculous, but also thoughtless.

  4. So thoughtless! Temporary paralysis of the cerebral neurons?! Good you left a (polite) note.
