Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Just like a run around the block

Eight weeks in, today was a day of firsts in therapy.

At home last weekend I did not provide much help in the kitchen. Usually, I was politely asked to back my way out of the kitchen so they could prepare their own food, so I did and mine was brought to the table for me. Ella and I did make a nice pot of soup, but my work was at the kitchen table with the squash, far from the kitchen.

Today, I got to cook, in a real kitchen. One of the jobs of OT is to make sure that patients are prepared to go home and do the activities of daily living. So today I cooked lunch for Gary and I in the OT kitchen. It is pretty much a regular kitchen, but there are a few tools that I will need to get for home. I used a tray to carry things on my lap and there is no cupboard under the kitchen sink, just doors that open so I could roll my legs under and wash up. I made egg frittata with toast with eggs, shallots and a red pepper from our farm. Gary said he  doesn't usually make "fancy" eggs, so I taught him how to broil the top of the frittata until it was golden. It was nice, it made me feel productive. I wish I had taken a picture.

Speaking of pictures, check this out:
This is called the Lokomat - it is basically a really expensive treadmill that I am strapped to. It has a waist harness and four straps on each leg and foot. It is hard to tell from the video, it looks like I am walking on a regular treadmill,  but the lokomat is doing the walking for me. Kristen explained all the physiological benefits for using it, (like keeping my legs ready to walk, in the event that my motor control returns) but let's face it, it is just plain awesome. I am not sure if you will be able to hear the audio - but I am wanting them to crank it up so I can go for a run around the block - run Forrest, run!

Tomorrow I swim at 9 am and then Jane and I are off to Vic for my last (hopefully) follow up appointment.


  1. The Lokomat (very strange name) is awesome! I hope you're adding to your lists of items to discuss with the insurance company for your kitchen. I've never broiled my frittata since I usually make it on the stove-top. Going to give that idea a try sometime. Thanks for the tip.

  2. That device reminds me a lot of the exoskeleton that Ripley wears in Aliens. Perhaps you are just getting prepared to destroy the Alien Queen?

  3. That device reminds me a lot of the exoskeleton that Ripley wears in Aliens. Perhaps you are just getting prepared to destroy the Alien Queen?

  4. Home day is coming soon! Counting down with you. Sending all positive energy to get through the next few weeks. Belated Happy Birthday wishes, too!

  5. Way cool! How do you get one? Will you be returning to Parkwood regularly to use it?
