Thursday, 1 October 2015


For the first time in two months, Theo and the kids will be staying home for the weekend. They will not be doing the 1.5-2 hr drive down the pokey highway all the way through the city to see me. Instead, I am going home. That's right, I will be doing that trip in the opposite direction, Theo is coming to get me, and all my paraphernalia, and I get to spend the weekend in my own home!

I have told a few people this, and their first question is "what about the house?" which really means - what state is it in, has it been renovated, how will you manage? The short answer is that nothing is different, we have made no major changes. The long answer is that we are borrowing equipment from Parkwood to make it work: a ramp, a commode, a tub bench and of course my loaner "carbon lite" manual wheelchair. Our bedroom is now in the dining room and the table in the family room. The doors are wide enough, although not ideal, as I will have to watch out for my knuckles.

And we are just going to see how it goes.

Next week is my "discharge planning meeting" where the Parkwood Yellow team and my Rehab First team will get together and outline the plans for when I leave this place on October 22nd. I know a big part of that planning will be about how I will manage at home, and (as you know) I will want to have something to say about it. How can I contribute meaningfully if I have not given it a try for myself? So here we go - to give it a try.

This is going to be a very emotional and exhausting weekend for me. Theo is concerned about how being home, and seeing all the things that I used to do while standing on two legs, is going to affect me. I know it will, and I know that I will cry, likely a lot. But I am ready. I have been waiting for this time for far too long. Time to be with my kids, listen to them tell me all of their 9 and 12 year old ideas and thoughts. It will also be time to be in the quiet of the our lovely country 10 acres. Time to sit with Theo and share ideas and make plans. Just us four.

So wish us well, I know you all do - and when the time comes that I am home for good and rested and ready, we will welcome you to a big thank you bash - because we are so thankful.


  1. We hope all goes well this weekend and that any encountered obstacles are easily addressed.

  2. Oh Julie! How wonderful! You are a rock star and have such great perspective. Sending you love.

  3. Can't wait to hear all about this on Tuesday...tears of joy flowing for you right now!

  4. Good luck Julie! Have a wonderful weekend.

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